Hello World!

Posted by LibreELEC on March 20, 2016 · 1 min read

So, err.. first post. No pressure!

“It’s complicated” to explain why LibreELEC exists, and attempting to do so in public would be a negative exercise and likely cause offense, so we won’t.  We prefer to look forwards to our future not backwards at OpenELEC, and the About page above sets out the general manifesto of things the project team want LibreELEC to be or become. We will leave you to read and draw your own conclusions.

The LibreELEC team (about 25 people and growing) are now heads-down on completing various bits of essential project infrastructure and shaping things up for our first public release; LibreELEC 7.0 (Jarvis).

Our activities can be (mostly) followed by looking at commits to our GitHub repo and reading further news posts as they appear on this website.

Thanks for your support! :)

Please send Paypal donations to our Open Collective account or use the button below.
